A little too much

A friend from when I was younger contacted me a while ago. I was really surprised to hear from him because I knew him when I was still one of Jehovah’s Witnesses. Now more than nine years [...]

One step at the time

I’ve not been updating you on my fabulous life so much lately. Not because my life isn’t that fabulous anymore. It’s more a choice to do a little less fabulous things. Being fabulous and doing [...]

Stairway to heaven

Do you, like me, sometimes wonder if the steps you are taking in life are the right steps to heaven? I know how to get to my personal heaven but am I taking the right steps to get there? Life is [...]

Seventies peace

I’m walking around lately wondering if the seventies weren’t much easier to live in than our current society. The seventies were filled with cute chairs, pretty cars, fashionable wide [...]

Am I there yet?

Do you know the feeling that you’re waiting for the next thing or opportunity to come? As if you were standing on a train platform waiting for the next train. But it never comes. Or when it [...]

Fashion Rules

People often ask me how I put such amazing outfits together. Well let me tell you this, its not easy. I have a lot of what I call fashion rules which I follow and which dictate how I look. Also, [...]

Bitchy Doorbitches

You probably have met some pretty bitchy doorbitches when you went out. They think that they are the beholder of the guestlist and because of that, they feel superieur or they think that because [...]

Too hot to wear anything

It’s too hot to be even thinking about what to wear. Luckily I still managed to come up with a fabulous look. Even this weather demands some fabulous clothes because the downtown programme [...]