
It seems that February exploded. In the sense that I’ve had so much interviews and featured post in the media. I’ve been interviewed for the Uitkrant about gender natural fashion. I have been [...]

It’s finally online!

I’m beyond happy to announce that my Youtube channel is online. I’ve worked so hard the last year and like 24/7 the last couple of weeks. Watched thousand tutorials about launching a [...]


I encouraged people to be more self-expressed in the way they look in a previous blog post. I called for less conformity and more diversity. But how can you do that? It seems easier said than [...]


I have these weird mood swings lately. I can feel very motivated and happy and just feel the complete opposite a few minutes later. I have this nagging feeling of discontent ever since I got back [...]

Back to brown?

A long, long time ago my favorite main styling color was brown. During this time I began thinking about how I wanted to style myself. I was around sixteen at the time and was showing the first [...]

Status Quo

This blogpost is very up close and personal, emotional even. Let me take you back to the beginning of 2016. I woke up on the first of January 2016 with a bit of a hangover of course, but not that [...]