Private Sale: Walk-in-closet

 In Fashion
Eerste Const. Huygensstraat 102 - I, Amsterdam

Pia in her home. Picture from Elina Abdrakhmanova.  


Are you tired of shopping online? Or can’t stand the crowded and impersonal stores anymore? Than I have something for you. There is a remarkable women who sells a private collection of  special items in her walk-in-closet. I visited here home in december last year and it was fantastic. I was invited to her private sale via an mutual friend. So I went on a cold sunday looking for some fashion treasures. After few minutes looking for the door I rang the doorbell. It felt a bit weird ringing a strange doorbell from someone’s house to look for fashion treasures. But my excitement was greater than my fear. The door opened and this cheerful voice welcomed me. When I stepped in the home of Iris all my doubt faded away and I felt at ease right away.

When I walked in the walk-in-closet I saw al all this amazing items. Jewelry, clothes, dresses, hats and more than you can imagine. You should really go and see if you can find something too. Not only because you might find your favorite little or big fashion thing but also because Iris is a women who is worth visiting. She will give you a tour in her stunning house and will talk with you about her interesting life. I instantly felt connected with her.

I absolutely loved meeting Iris and seeing her home and I bought this amazing little bottle to put some vodka in. I also bought the amazing hat in the picture below.

The hat I bought at Iris

The hat I bought at Iris


Click here to go to the Facebook event. I will visit her myself this weekend to see if there are more fashion treasures for me. See you there!


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