Self-Expression speech

I was asked to give a speech about self-expression at the company party of 72andSunny, which is an amazing advertisement company. They made, among other things, this commercial for AXE. They want [...]

Look five MBFWA July 2016

So it’s come to the final Amsterdam Fashionweek outfit of the day. I know you guys saw the tule black skirt before. It still is looks and feels fabulous every time I combine it differently. [...]

One step at the time

I’ve not been updating you on my fabulous life so much lately. Not because my life isn’t that fabulous anymore. It’s more a choice to do a little less fabulous things. Being fabulous and doing [...]

Bitchy Doorbitches

You probably have met some pretty bitchy doorbitches when you went out. They think that they are the beholder of the guestlist and because of that, they feel superieur or they think that because [...]

Are You HYTE Tonight?

Have you been HYTE past nights? I have! Actually I’m hosting a secret bar there every edition from February until March. I just woke up from what felt like a hibernation after the first [...]

O Hello!

O Hello! I took a train trip the other day and saw al the tulip fields in bloom. It got me inspired to wear a colorful outfit. When I think of colors I think of my friend designer Bas Kosters, he [...]