Embracing the rain with a beautiful umbrella

 In Fashion

With my Umbrella from www.super-paraplu.nl. I’m wearing a jacket by Topshop, shirt by Primark, Tie by ZUMO, vintage bag and pants and shoes from Topshop.


Autumn is here and winter is rapidly coming. So that means you will be needing your umbrella! I always have the most annoying problems when it comes down to umbrellas. Usually when it’s raining I don’t have one with me. When I do remember to take one with me, because it is supposed to rain, it won’t rain that day! Also umbrellas are irritatingly unhandy to carry around with you. The choice between a pocket size umbrella and a big one raises even more problems. You don’t want to put your wet pocket umbrella in your bag when it stops to rain. So you have to carry it with anyway. The pocket size is also easily blown away by the wind and only your head stays dry. You don’t have that problem with a big umbrella. The only problem with a big umbrella is that it usually doesn’t compliment your outfit. And highly irritating is that you have to carry it with you all the time, even when it’s not raining. Even more I seem to leave my umbrella everywhere so that I have to buy a new one too often. Because of these problems with umbrellas I used to get very grumpy when it was raining or when there’s a chance that it could rain later that day. Normally I wouldn’t take an umbrella with me at all to avoid these problems. I would get in a car or cap and than I would only get a little bit wet. And sometimes I would even stay in and not go out at all.

This year I’ve decided to take matters into my own hands and make the rain a positive thing. I’ve decided to make the umbrella a fashion statement. From now on I will be happy when it’s raining because I can use my fabulous umbrella again. I’ll never forget a precious fashion item so the endless forgetting my umbrella is solved. With my fashionably big umbrella I will look chic and sophisticated, just how I like it. I will even do a little rain dance to proof my happiness.

As you already know I really like transparent things. Thats why my friends at SuperParaplu sent me this wonderful umbrella. They have many more fashion umbrella’s waiting for you, visit their website here.  They made a discount code especially for my readers, which is “superplu”. You get the discount only for this transparent umbrella.


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  • kristel

    Zeg elio, kun je ook een foto van jezelf maken hoe je de paraplu draagt als het niet regent. Dat vind ik altij lastig van een grote paraplu. Als ik met een ingeklapte paraplu over straat loop weet ik me geen raad. Help.

    • Elio Heres

      Ik zou hem vasthouden op de heft van de paraplu en als je stil staat om je arm hangen. Nog mooier is als je stil staat hem te gebruiken als ondersteuning. Succes!

    • Elio Heres

      Op mijn facebookpagina heb ik een foto voor je geplaats hoe je hem kan dragen, https://www.facebook.com/elioioio

  • Denise Beckand

    Super leuke foto!!

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