What am I going to wear? That is the first thing I think of whenever anyone asks me to go out. Do you recognize that? I’m sure you do! My next thought is always that I have nothing to wear [...]
You probably have met some pretty bitchy doorbitches when you went out. They think that they are the beholder of the guestlist and because of that, they feel superieur or they think that because [...]
I just love surprises. Like today when I woke up and looked outside and it was misty. I thought to myself: Omg I should have stayed in bed, and let this day pass. Then when I checked how horrible [...]
YASSSSSSSS I’m Back! I had such an amazing time in South-East Asia. I visited Thailand, Loa and Cambodia. So many impressions and memories, I can truly recommend everyone to go there. [...]
I feel my life as a performer in the nightlife is booming at the moment. I’m rushing from one to an other gig every weekend for the past few weeks. Up to four gigs in one weekend. You must [...]
The tie, one of my favorite fashion accessory. Tie’s are sophisticated, chic and when I’m wearing one I feel like a vintage person in a new age. I get this instant masculine feeling [...]
Quote from this article: ‘For far too long, stereotypical forms of masculinity have excluded the ability to show or express emotions. Many young men are taught to keep their feelings hidden [...]